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Genghis Khan (1162-1227) was the Mongols leader. His goal was to unify the Mongols. He was known for being an incredible organizer and an accomplished strategist (used cruelty as a weapon, which caused people to greatly fear him). Genghis unfortunately died in 1227 due to illness. His successors continued to expand the empire and in less than half a century, they conquered land from China all the way to Poland. In 1260, the empire was divided in the four Khanates: The Great Kahn (Mongolia & China), Khanate of Chagatai (Central Asia), Khanate of Golden Horde (Russia). Considering the Mongols were very tough, they also were very tolerant in peace. 

                                      By Charlotte 

The steppe not only was the Mongol's home, but it was also a trading route. They were strong and scary, but the trading was very peaceful. They exchanged horses with other tribes. The Mongols lacked in grains, metal, cloth, and tea. As the Mongols progressed, they eventually built the largest empire ever 
Genghis Khan went across the country destroying and conquering cities. By 1225 a.d., Central Asia was under the Mongols control. Sometimes they would just raid villages for valuable things instead of full-on conquering them. Genghis group his armies in 10,000 men. In the 1250s the Mongols stopped their Western attack and went after Persia. In 1368 the Chinese overthrew the Mongols with rebellions due to their disliking of the way the Mongols were ruling.  
The Mongols were nomads of the steppe (a long strip of dry grassy land in Asia). They herded domestic animals and depended on them for clothing and food. These people lived in tents made out of felt and animal skins called yurts. In the mid 1200s-1300s, Pax Mongolica emerged, which imposed stability and law. Eventually the cultural difference in the four regions affected the splitting up of the Mongol Empire. 
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